Born: 1995?         Died: 4 May 2013

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Our beloved cat Bruno passed away 4 May 2013.

He defied the odds for a long time but succumbed to a combination of hyperthyroid, anemia, ascites, lymphoma, liver damage, leukemia, and constipation.

We are not sure of his age. Anna had him for almost 14 years and they estimated his age at 3 or 4 when we she got him.

Bruno was the best boy in the whole world.

Some cats are always friendly rubbing up to anyone they meet. Some cats are never affectionate. Bruno did not fit into those categories. Bruno was discerning. To many he appeared aloof, but to those who loved him, he was the most affectionate cat in the world.

He wanted things his own way and in his own time. He let you know when he wanted to be rubbed and when he had enough. But when he wanted to share affection, no one could out do him; climbing on top of us, and rubbing his head against our faces; sometimes licking or even play-biting us.

Bruno came in to Anna's life and into her heart almost 14 years ago. Since then he traveled with her all over living in California, Pennsylvania and now Arizona. We are not sure of his age. They estimated that he was 3 or 4 when she found him in a shelter in 1999 but that might be off if they based it on the size of his teeth. Bruno certainly had some saber tooth tiger in his bloodline.

Bruno had the softest fur. He loved having his head and neck and nose rubbed. But you could not touch his belly or his paws. He would often sit on the back of the sofa methodically flapping his tail, sometimes I think intentionally at our heads.

Bruno made a lot of special sounds which we are really going to miss. We knew the sound of his walk on the bedroom floor. He did not meow a lot, but he had an extensive vocabulary. He had a special greeting noise he would make when he would see us. He would raise his head and make a distinctive "Greeuw" noise and we knew he was saying hello. We could converse back and forth to him making sounds like this.

Cats are not known for their fidelity but Bruno was always faithful to his girl Stella. When he first met her he knew she was a "hot looking babe". The fact that both Bruno and Stella were fixed did not stop him from being amorous with her. And when two other female cats were added to the household, he had no interest in them. Bruno remained loyal to Stella.

He was aptly named after the fighter/wrestler Bruno Sammartino, for Bruno was a fighter to stay alive surviving months of IBD two years ago, then an anal gland rupture and a bite from another cat a year ago. He kept going long after other cats would have succumbed to a hyperthyroid, lymphoma, and anemia.

But the truth is he was a lover even more than a fighter. While other cats would look to stalk and kill birds and lizards, he would talk to them. He would lie on his side and make unique sounds which sounded like a cross between a meow and a chirp.

But most of all, Bruno loved us and we loved him dearly. We miss him so much now but we know we will see him again in heaven.

Bruno, We love you!

We'll meet you at the rainbow bridge!

bruno rainbow

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